Financial Figures
All important financial key figures compact and at a glance:
in EUR million | Dec. 31, 2024 | Dec. 31, 2023 | Dec. 31, 2022 | Dec. 31, 2021 | Dec. 31, 2020 |
Operative figures | |||||
Revenues | 995.6 | 851.6 | 801.8 | 681.5 | 596.9 |
- thereof software licenses | 100.7 | 161.1 | 233.1 | 234.8 | 210.0 |
- thereof recurring revenues | 861.2 | 652.7 | 532.6 | 416.7 | 359.0 |
- subscription & SaaS (as part of the recurring revenues) | 567.8 | 301.8 | 204.2 | 132.0 | 90.4 |
Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) | 1,019.9 | 718.6 | 581.7 | 456.5 | - |
EBITDA | 301.0 | 257.7 | 257.0 | 222.0 | 172.3 |
as % of revenue | 30.2% | 30.3% | 32.0% | 32.6% | 28.9% |
Organic EBITDA margin (w/o GoCanvas dilution effect) | 31.1% | - | - | - | - |
EBIT | 234.2 | 199.5 | 198.1 | 172.0 | 122.5 |
as % of revenue | 23.5% | 23.4% | 24.7% | 25.2% | 20.5% |
Net income (group shares) | 175.4 | 161.3 | 161.9 | 134.6 | 96.9 |
per share in € | 1.52 | 1.40 | 1.40 | 1.17 | 0.84 |
Net income (group shares) before purchase price allocation | 200.8 | 183.8 | 186.9 | 153.9 | 115.2 |
per share in € | 1.74 | 1.59 | 1.62 | 1.33 | 1.00 |
Cash flow figures | |||||
Cash flow from operating activities | 306.8 | 252.9 | 213.8 | 214.4 | 157.5 |
Cash flow from investing activities | (707.1) | (37.8) | (52.4) | (147.6) | (111.0) |
Cash flow from financing activities | 331.8 | (139.3) | (124.0) | (55.4) | (109.1) |
Free cash flow | (400.3) | 215.0 | 161.4 | 66.7 | 46.5 |
Free cash flow before M&A investments | 293.5 | 240.6 | 182.4 | 193.8 | 148.2 |
Balance sheet figures | |||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 205.7 | 268.0 | 196.8 | 157.1 | 139.3 |
Net liquidity/net debt | (294.6) | 261.2 | 124.9 | 28.4 | 9.0 |
Balance sheet total | 2,136.3 | 1,274.3 | 1,198.1 | 1,072.2* | 889.7 |
Equity ratio in % | 44.2% | 61.4% | 57.5% | 52.2%* | 46.9% |
Headcount as of balance sheet date | 3,894 | 3,429 | 3,448 | 3,180 | 3,074 |
Share figures | |||||
Closing price (Xetra) in € | 93.65 | 78.50 | 47.69 | 112.80 | 60.40 |
Market Capitalization | 10,816.58 | 9,066.75 | 5,508.20 | 13,028.40 | 6,976.20 |
*Figures were restated due to a goodwill adjustment. |
Thousands of € | 2024 | 2023 | [Notes] |
Revenues | 995,565 | 851,563 | [1] |
Other income | 11,753 | 8,915 | [2] |
Operating income | 1,007,318 | 860,478 | |
Cost of goods and services | (40,489) | (33,864) | [3] |
Personnel expenses | (406,051) | (360,872) | [4] |
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortization of intangible assets | (66,787) | (58,216) | [5] |
thereof amortization of intangible assets due to purchase price allocation | (36,693) | (29,403) | |
Other expenses | (259,767) | (208,028) | [6] |
thereof expenses from loss allowances on trade receivables | (4,618) | (766) | [13] |
Operating expenses | (773,094) | (660,980) | |
Operating result (EBIT) | 234,224 | 199,498 | |
Interest income | 4,702 | 3,421 | [7] |
Interest expenses | (16,742) | (3,277) | [7] |
Other financial expenses | (11,448) | (6,396) | [8] |
Other financial income | (18,123) | 11,057 | [8] |
Net finance income / costs | (5,365) | 4,805 | |
Share of net profit of associates | (643) | 239 | [9]. [18] |
Earnings before taxes (EBT) | 228,216 | 204,542 | |
Income taxes | (49,440) | (40,562) | [10] |
Net income for the year | 178,776 | 163,980 | |
Other comprehensive income: | |||
Difference from currency translation | 39,269 | (14,543) | |
Items of other comprehensive income that are reclassified subsequently to profit or loss | 39,269 | (14,543) | |
Gains/losses from the revaluation of defined benefit pension plans | (292) | (548) | [22] |
Tax effect | 94 | 95 | [10] |
Items of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss | (198) | (453) | |
Subtotal other comprehensive income | 39,071 | (14,997) | |
Total comprehensive income for the year | 217,847 | 148,983 | |
Net profit or loss for the period attributable to: | |||
Equity holders of the parent | 175,422 | 161,256 | |
Non-controlling interests | 3,354 | 2,724 | |
Net income for the year | 178,776 | 163,980 | |
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to: | |||
Equity holders of the parent | 212,822 | 147,177 | |
Non-controlling interests | 5,025 | 1,807 | |
Total comprehensive income for the year | 217,847 | 148,983 | |
Earnings per share (undiluted) in euros | 2 | 1 | [11] |
Earnings per share (diluted) in euros | 2 | 1 | [11] |
Average number of shares outstanding (undiluted) | 115,500,000 | 115,500,000 | [24] |
Average number of shares outstanding (diluted) | 115,500,000 | 115,500,000 | [24] |
The accompanying notes to this statement of comprehensive income form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Thousands of € | 31.12.2024 | 31.12.2023 | [Notes] |
Current Assets | |||
Cash and cash equivalents | 205,733 | 268,041 | [12] |
Trade receivables | 147,414 | 99,640 | [13]. [23] |
Inventories | 1,019 | 978 | [14] |
Income tax receivables | 21,006 | 18,998 | [10] |
Other financial assets | 4,785 | 1,359 | [14]. [23] |
Other non-financial assets | 33,697 | 29,197 | [14] |
Current assets, total | 413,654 | 418,213 | |
Non-current assets | |||
Property, plant and equipment | 22,075 | 23,735 | [15] |
Intangible assets | 383,395 | 135,106 | [16] |
Goodwill | 1,135,241 | 552,037 | [16] |
Right-of-use assets | 60,700 | 60,922 | [17] |
Investments in associates | 16,271 | 17,121 | [18] |
Deferred tax assets | 36,923 | 33,850 | [10] |
Other financial assets | 46,725 | 29,583 | [14]. [23] |
Other non-financial assets | 21,327 | 3,765 | [14] |
Non-current assets, total | 1,722,656 | 856,119 | |
Total assets | 2,136,310 | 1,274,332 |
Thousands of € | 31.12.2024 | 31.12.2023 | [Notes] |
Current liabilities | |||
Short-term borrowings and current portion of long-term loans | 42 | 6,802 | [19]. [23] |
Trade payables | 20,820 | 15,325 | [19]. [23] |
Provisions | 41,144 | 34,835 | [20] |
Accrued liabilities | 53,186 | 30,832 | [20] |
Deferred revenue | 354,596 | 265,097 | [1] |
Income tax liabilities | 16,570 | 11,993 | [10] |
Other financial liabilities | 3,013 | 55 | [19]. [23] |
Lease liabilities | 16,678 | 16,691 | [19]. [23] |
Other non-financial liabilities | 29,572 | 18,986 | [21] |
Current liabilities, total | 535,621 | 400,616 | |
Non-current liabilities | |||
Long-term borrowings without current portion | 500,311 | 71 | [19]. [23] |
Deferred tax liabilities | 52,998 | 16,746 | [10] |
Pensions and related obligations | 4,051 | 3,580 | [22] |
Provisions | 3,020 | 1,128 | [20] |
Deferred revenue | 31,201 | 6,150 | [1] |
Income tax liabilities | 10,075 | 9,161 | [10] |
Other financial liabilities | 36 | 8 | [19]. [23] |
Lease liabilities | 52,836 | 52,774 | [19]. [23] |
Other non-financial liabilities | 1,783 | 2,200 | [21] |
Non-current liabilities, total | 656,312 | 91,819 | |
Equity | |||
Subscribed capital | 115,500 | 115,500 | [24]. [25] |
Capital reserve | 12,485 | 12,485 | |
Retained earnings | 763,288 | 640,800 | |
Other comprehensive income | 15,190 | (22,210) | |
Equity (Group shares) | 906,463 | 746,575 | |
Non-controlling interests | 37,914 | 35,323 | |
Equity, total | 944,377 | 781,898 | |
Total equity and liabilities | 2,136,310 | 1,274,332 |
The accompanying notes to this statement of financial position form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
* See notes to the conslidated financial statements "investments in associates" and "non-current available-for-sale assets"
Thousands of € | 2024 | 2023 | [Notes] |
Profit (before tax) | 228,216 | 204,542 | |
Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets | 66,787 | 58,216 | |
Net finance costs | 5,365 | (4,805) | |
Share of net profit of associates | 643 | (239) | |
EBITDA | 301,010 | 257,713 | [27] |
Other non-cash transactions | 7,292 | 1,181 | |
Cash flow for the period | 308,303 | 258,894 | [27] |
Change in trade working capital | 47,778 | 49,431 | |
Change in other working capital | 12,712 | (1,384) | |
Dividends received from associates | 207 | 168 | |
Financing effects | |||
Interests received | 4,596 | 3,335 | |
Financing effects and tax cash flow | |||
Income taxes received | 4,314 | 2,385 | |
Income taxes paid | (71,106) | (59,950) | |
Cash flow from operating activities | 306,804 | 252,879 | [27] |
Capital expenditure | (13,726) | (12,677) | |
Changes in liabilities from acquisitions | 0 | (1,510) | |
Cash received from disposal of fixed assets | 436 | 424 | |
Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired | (680,802) | 0 | |
Cash paid for acquisition of equity instruments of other entities | (13,017) | (15,328) | |
Cash paid for acquisition of interests in associates | 0 | (8,755) | |
Cash flow from investing activities | (707,110) | (37,846) | [27] |
Dividend payments | (55,440) | (51,975) | |
Dividend payments to non-controlling interests | (2,434) | (2,437) | |
Cash received from loans | 931,000 | 18,510 | |
Repayment of borrowings | (507,059) | (83,582) | |
Changes in bank liabilities due to company acquisitions | |||
Principal elements of lease payments | (18,034) | (16,535) | |
Interests paid | (11,938) | (3,352) | |
Payments for acquisitions of non-controlling interests | (4,301) | 0 | |
Cash flow from financing activities | 331,794 | (139,371) | [27] |
Changes in cash and cash equivalents | (68,511) | 75,663 | |
Effect of exchange rate differences on cash and cash equivalents | 6,203 | (4,443) | |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | 268,041 | 196,821 | |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period | 205,733 | 268,041 | [12] |