Financial Figures

All important financial key figures compact and at a glance:

in EUR million Dec. 31, 2024Dec. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020
Operative figures
Revenues 995.6851.6801.8681.5596.9
- thereof software licenses 100.7161.1233.1234.8210.0
- thereof recurring revenues 861.2652.7532.6416.7359.0
- subscription & SaaS (as part of the recurring revenues) 567.8301.8204.2132.090.4
Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) 1,019.9718.6581.7456.5-
EBITDA 301.0257.7257.0222.0172.3
as % of revenue 30.2%30.3%32.0%32.6%28.9%
Organic EBITDA margin (w/o GoCanvas dilution effect)31.1%----
EBIT 234.2199.5198.1172.0122.5
as % of revenue 23.5%23.4%24.7%25.2%20.5%
Net income (group shares) 175.4161.3161.9134.696.9
per share in € 1.521.401.401.170.84
Net income (group shares) before purchase price allocation 200.8183.8186.9153.9115.2
per share in € 1.741.591.621.331.00
Cash flow figures
Cash flow from operating activities 306.8252.9213.8214.4157.5
Cash flow from investing activities (707.1)(37.8)(52.4)(147.6)(111.0)
Cash flow from financing activities 331.8(139.3)(124.0)(55.4)(109.1)
Free cash flow (400.3)215.0161.466.746.5
Free cash flow before M&A investments 293.5240.6182.4193.8148.2
Balance sheet figures
Cash and cash equivalents 205.7268.0196.8157.1139.3
Net liquidity/net debt (294.6)261.2124.928.49.0
Balance sheet total 2,136.31,274.31,198.11,072.2*889.7
Equity ratio in % 44.2%61.4%57.5%52.2%*46.9%
Headcount as of balance sheet date 3,8943,4293,4483,1803,074
Share figures
Closing price (Xetra) in € 93.6578.5047.69112.8060.40
Market Capitalization 10,816.589,066.755,508.2013,028.406,976.20
*Figures were restated due to a goodwill adjustment.

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Thousands of € 20242023[Notes]
Revenues 995,565851,563[1]
Other income 11,7538,915[2]
Operating income 1,007,318860,478
Cost of goods and services (40,489)(33,864)[3]
Personnel expenses (406,051)(360,872)[4]
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortization of intangible assets (66,787)(58,216)[5]
thereof amortization of intangible assets due to purchase price allocation (36,693)(29,403)
Other expenses (259,767)(208,028)[6]
thereof expenses from loss allowances on trade receivables(4,618)(766)[13]
Operating expenses (773,094)(660,980)
Operating result (EBIT) 234,224199,498
Interest income 4,7023,421[7]
Interest expenses (16,742)(3,277)[7]
Other financial expenses (11,448)(6,396)[8]
Other financial income (18,123)11,057[8]
Net finance income / costs (5,365)4,805
Share of net profit of associates (643)239[9]. [18]
Earnings before taxes (EBT) 228,216204,542
Income taxes (49,440)(40,562)[10]
Net income for the year 178,776163,980
Other comprehensive income:
Difference from currency translation 39,269(14,543)
Items of other comprehensive income that are reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 39,269(14,543)
Gains/losses from the revaluation of defined benefit pension plans (292)(548)[22]
Tax effect 9495[10]
Items of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (198)(453)
Subtotal other comprehensive income 39,071(14,997)
Total comprehensive income for the year 217,847148,983
Net profit or loss for the period attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 175,422161,256
Non-controlling interests 3,3542,724
Net income for the year 178,776163,980
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 212,822147,177
Non-controlling interests 5,0251,807
Total comprehensive income for the year 217,847148,983
Earnings per share (undiluted) in euros 21[11]
Earnings per share (diluted) in euros 21[11]
Average number of shares outstanding (undiluted) 115,500,000115,500,000[24]
Average number of shares outstanding (diluted) 115,500,000115,500,000[24]

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The accompanying notes to this statement of comprehensive income form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Thousands of € 31.12.202431.12.2023[Notes]
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 205,733268,041[12]
Trade receivables 147,41499,640[13]. [23]
Inventories 1,019978[14]
Income tax receivables 21,00618,998[10]
Other financial assets 4,7851,359[14]. [23]
Other non-financial assets 33,69729,197[14]
Current assets, total 413,654418,213
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 22,07523,735[15]
Intangible assets 383,395135,106[16]
Goodwill 1,135,241552,037[16]
Right-of-use assets 60,70060,922[17]
Investments in associates 16,27117,121[18]
Deferred tax assets 36,92333,850[10]
Other financial assets 46,72529,583[14]. [23]
Other non-financial assets 21,3273,765[14]
Non-current assets, total 1,722,656856,119
Total assets 2,136,3101,274,332
Thousands of € 31.12.202431.12.2023 [Notes]
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings and current portion of long-term loans 426,802[19]. [23]
Trade payables 20,82015,325[19]. [23]
Provisions 41,14434,835[20]
Accrued liabilities53,18630,832[20]
Deferred revenue 354,596265,097[1]
Income tax liabilities 16,57011,993[10]
Other financial liabilities 3,01355[19]. [23]
Lease liabilities 16,67816,691[19]. [23]
Other non-financial liabilities 29,57218,986[21]
Current liabilities, total 535,621400,616
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings without current portion 500,31171[19]. [23]
Deferred tax liabilities 52,99816,746[10]
Pensions and related obligations 4,0513,580[22]
Provisions 3,0201,128[20]
Deferred revenue 31,2016,150[1]
Income tax liabilities 10,0759,161[10]
Other financial liabilities 368[19]. [23]
Lease liabilities 52,83652,774[19]. [23]
Other non-financial liabilities 1,7832,200[21]
Non-current liabilities, total 656,31291,819
Subscribed capital 115,500115,500[24]. [25]
Capital reserve 12,48512,485
Retained earnings 763,288640,800
Other comprehensive income 15,190(22,210)
Equity (Group shares) 906,463746,575
Non-controlling interests 37,91435,323
Equity, total 944,377781,898
Total equity and liabilities 2,136,3101,274,332

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The accompanying notes to this statement of financial position form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
* See notes to the conslidated financial statements "investments in associates" and "non-current available-for-sale assets"

Thousands of € 20242023[Notes]
Profit (before tax) 228,216204,542
Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets 66,78758,216
Net finance costs 5,365(4,805)
Share of net profit of associates 643(239)
EBITDA 301,010257,713[27]
Other non-cash transactions 7,2921,181
Cash flow for the period 308,303258,894[27]
Change in trade working capital 47,77849,431
Change in other working capital 12,712(1,384)
Dividends received from associates 207168
Financing effects
Interests received 4,5963,335
Financing effects and tax cash flow
Income taxes received 4,3142,385
Income taxes paid (71,106)(59,950)
Cash flow from operating activities 306,804252,879[27]
Capital expenditure (13,726)(12,677)
Changes in liabilities from acquisitions 0(1,510)
Cash received from disposal of fixed assets 436424
Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (680,802)0
Cash paid for acquisition of equity instruments of other entities (13,017)(15,328)
Cash paid for acquisition of interests in associates 0(8,755)
Cash flow from investing activities (707,110)(37,846)[27]
Dividend payments (55,440)(51,975)
Dividend payments to non-controlling interests (2,434)(2,437)
Cash received from loans 931,00018,510
Repayment of borrowings (507,059)(83,582)
Changes in bank liabilities due to company acquisitions
Principal elements of lease payments (18,034)(16,535)
Interests paid (11,938)(3,352)
Payments for acquisitions of non-controlling interests (4,301)0
Cash flow from financing activities 331,794(139,371)[27]
Changes in cash and cash equivalents (68,511)75,663
Effect of exchange rate differences on cash and cash equivalents 6,203(4,443)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 268,041196,821
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 205,733268,041[12]

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